Monday, October 21, 2013

TWD/BWJ: Cookies and a Braid

X Cookies

Playing catch-up again for October. I've done the baking, but the blogging - not so much. 

The X Cookies were like a upscale fig newton, but with a pastry-like crust instead of the soft cake-y thing that you buy at the store. They were pretty good, but there are only so many you can eat and this made a huge quantity. In the end, my boy took them to a party. Would you guess that college kids would eat fig cookies? I don't know, but they didn't come back home...
Cool powdered sugar stencil left on the counter!

And then there was the Danish Braid. 
Houston, we have a problem...
I have created a monster!

I obviously have an issue with reading directions!

If only I had read ahead.

If only I had read completely.

The first surprise was the "chill at least 24 hours".

And now I have discovered, in the reading of other blogs, that there was supposed to be folding of the dough! How did I miss that?!? No wonder the darn thing spread. All that butter...

Oh well, at least the other half of the dough is still in the freezer. I can give it another try.

Ahh, but this is all a consequence, a reflection, of my life at the moment. There have been more exciting things to take care of during the waning summer days.

A girls weekend with college friends, a couple of days on Jekyll Island, a trip to see old friends in St Augustine, a day with the Dalai Lama, and even a little online class at Quilting University (didn't know there was such a thing, did you?).

And a shoe...


  1. I think the best part of the X cookies were the stencil marks! Not a favorite of mine. How funny you missed the folding/rolling of the dough! However, it sounds like you had a great time with the last of the summer days - got it take it while you can!

  2. Wow, you have been busy! Who cares about folding when there are so many more impressive things to be done :-)
    Lovely cookies
