Tuesday, April 3, 2012

TWD/BWJ: Pizza Rustica

Here's the "done" picture right up front.
Can't figure out how to arrange the pics,
so it's a spoiler!
When is a pizza not a pizza?
When it's "Pizza Rustica" of course!

 When I saw what we were making this week, I envisioned some sort of free-form crust with Margherita-like toppings, but this is what I call quiche. After a little research (my default position on anything odd), it has become apparent that Pizza Rustica is a totally traditional and beloved Italian dish.  Seriously, the things I'm learning from this project!  So, on with the cooking. The recipe can be found here or here, and links to other bloggers in the group are here.  Oh, and I loved it!  I read that some people thought it was "bland" or that the crust was too sweet, but for me it was perfect.  Maybe there's something wrong with my tastebuds...
Easy processor dough

The filling.  Hate to admit it, but up til now
I've been a prosciutto virgin.

Rolling along.  That dough scraper has changed my life.
Ready for the oven.  Tossed the scraps with a little
cinnamon and sugar.
Love me a cook's treat!
OK, so I dropped
a little cheese...

Since it's Holy Week, I thought a flip-flop spotted in the church parking lot would be appropriate for this week's shoe

You can always tell it's spring in Atlanta when you start
to see flip-flops.  That's my friend Merle who saw it first!


  1. We loved it too! Nothing wrong with your tastebuds. Happy Easter!

  2. Funny.. I was thinking of the same toppings for my "pizza" till I read the recipe. We like ours as well.

    On a side note: there was a msg for you over on Tuesday Chatter:
    to: Margaret of One Shoe in the Road
    I can’t get WordPress to talk to Blogger so I can leave a comment, so I hope you see this (or maybe someone can let her know?) I left you a Liebster here.

    1. Cathleen, thank you so much for letting me know! I haven't had time to look at the Chatter post.

  3. Yes, my mind went in a totally different direction before I read this recipe.
    Great shoes :-)

  4. Great photos!

    You asked about adding the twd badge. Email me at bakingismyzen@comcast.net.

