Can we talk?
The dough is so good, you could just stop here. |
Right about the time I decided to quit pushing myself on the Baking With Julia project, news came that Tuesdays With Dorie is also taking on Dorie Greenspan's new cookbook,
Baking Chez Moi. Instead of every other week, it'll be EVERY week. Had to let that simmer (pardon the pun) before deciding what to do.
Didn't use milk in my icing. Just lemon juice. |
After much ruminating, I've decided to continue on! The main thing is that I want to keep learning.
Baking With Julia doesn't contain Dorie's recipes, or Julia's for that matter. The recipes in that book come from many different baking experts, and yes it's a treasure, but each contributor has their own style.
Baking Chez Moi, on the other hand is Dorie's baby. And I trust Dorie. Not gonna be obsessive though. I'll bake what I want from both books, and pass if I'm not interested or overwhelmed by other things. This is supposed to be fun, not a beat-myself-up-for-missing-this-week's-recipe marathon. When my husband asked what I was making, I replied that it was something I can't pronounce. Palets de Dames, aka "cookies".

You might notice that my cookies don't exactly look like Dorie's. Oh well. Something happened when I mixed up the icing with food coloring and before I knew it, the spirit of Jackson Pollock took over.
Heck, I didn't know what they were supposed to look like since my book hadn't arrived yet. But as I was finishing up in the kitchen, a car (yes, a CAR with a delivery service logo on the side) pulled up in the driveway and delivered my book. It's a sign.
Got myself a butter crock too. And some measuring spoons.
And a book with the words "tidying up" in the title. |
See that roasted veggie quiche? Homemade crust.
I never would have done that before
Tuesdays With Dorie came into my life. |
Close enough!
Who cares if they have different personalities? |
Since this is the first recipe we've tried from Baking Chez Moi, it's the perfect time to jump in and join the Tuesdays With Dorie group. You can see the blogs of the other bakers
here. Click around, and see how much you can learn. It's really fun if you don't get too perfect about it. Obviously, that's not my problem. Ha Ha!
And now, for your entertainment, a shoe. Because we're "taking off" on a new adventure: